Poetry Studio... Writing poetry with children - Writing Poetry


The following books have teaching suggestions and examples to use when reading and writing poetry with students.

Ambrosini, Michelle & Morretta, Teresa M.  Poetry Workshop for Middle School.
International Reading Association, 2003.

Appelt, Kathi.  Poems from Homeroom: A Writer’s Plans to Start.  Henry Holt, 2002.

Barton, Bob & Booth, David.  Poetry Goes to School: From Mother Goose to Shel Silverstein.  Pembroke, 2003.

Bodden Valerie.  "Write Me a Poem" series. Including: Picturing Words in a Poem (Illus. by Monique Felix); Finding the Rhyme in a Poem (Illus. by Etienne Delessert); Poking Fun in a Poem (Illus. by Etienne Delessert); Who Is a Poet? (Illus. by Etienne Delessert). Creative Education, 2016. (for early elementary).

Booth, David & Moore, Bill.  Poems Please!: Sharing Poetry with Children.
Pembroke, 2003.

Chatton, Barbara.  Using Poetry Across the Curriculum: Learning to Love Language (2nd edition).   Libraries Unlimited, 2010.

Cleary, Brian P.  The Sun Played Hide-and-Seek: A Personification Story  Illus. by Carol Crimmins.   Millbrook, 2018.

Donegan, Patricia.  Own Haiku (for Kids): Write Poetry in the Japanese Tradition.   Tuttle Publishing, 2018.

Dorfman, Lynne R. & Cappelli, Rose.  Poetry Mentor Texts: Making Reading and Writing Connections, K-8.   Stenhouse, 2012.

Esbensen, Barbara Juster.  A Celebration of Bees: Helping Children to Write Poetry..   Henry Holt, 1995.

Ferra, Lorraine.  A Crow Doesn’t Need a Shadow: A Guide to Writing Poetry from Nature.  Gibbs Smith, 1994.

Fitch, Sheree & Swartz, Larry.  The Poetry Experience: Choosing and Using Poetry in the Classroom.  Pembroke, 2008.

Fletcher, Ralph.  Poetry Matters.  HarperCollins, 1996.

Franco, Betsy.  Conversations with a Poet: Inviting Poetry into K-12 Classrooms.
Richard C. Owen, 2005.

Heard, Georgia.  Poetry Lessons to Meet the Common Core State Standards: Exemplar Poems with Engaging Lessons and Response Activities That Help Students Read, Understand, and Appreciate Poetry.  Scholastic, 2013.

Heard, Georgia.  For the Good of the Earth and Sun: Teaching Poetry.
Heinemann, 1989.

Heard, Georgia.  Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle School.  Heinemann, 1998.

Holbrook, Sara.  Practical Poetry: A Nonstandard Approach to Meeting Content-Area Standards.  Heinemann, 2005.

Israel, Susan E. (Ed.).  Poetic Possibilities.  International Reading Association, 2008.

Janeczko, Paul B.  How to Write Poetry.  Scholastic, 2001.

Janeczko, Paul B.  Poetry from A to Z: A Guide for Young Writers.
Bradbury Press, 1994.

Janeczko, Paul B.  Favorite Poetry Lessons.  Scholastic, 1999.

Janeczko, Paul B.  Teaching 10 Fabulous Forms of Poetry.  Scholastic, 2000.

Janeczko, Paul B.  Reading Poetry in the Middle Grades: 20 Poems and Activities That Meet the Common Core Standards and Cultivate a Passion for Poetry.
Heinemann, 2011.

Kennedy, X.J. & Dorothy M. Kennedy.  Knock at a Star: A Child’s Introduction to Poetry
Little, Brown, 1999.

Livingston, Myra Cohn.  Poem-Making: Ways to Begin Writing Poetry.
HarperCollins, 1991.

Maddox, Marjorie.  Inside Out: Poems on Reading and Writing Poems.
Kelsay Books, 2020.

Partington, Richie.  I Second That Emotion: Sharing Children's and Young Adult Poetry: A 21st Century Resource Guide for Teachers and Librarians.  Hi Willow, 2010.

Prelutsky, Jack (Sel.).  Read a Rhyme, Write a Rhyme.  Ill. by Meilo So.  Knopf, 2005.

Prelutsky, Jack.  Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry: How to Write a Poem.  Greenwillow, 2008.

Rosen, Michael.  What Is Poetry?: The Essential Guide to Reading & Writing Poems.
Candlewick, 2018. (for student and adult readers and writers)

Routman, Regie.  Kids' Poems: Teaching Kindergartners to Love Writing Poetry.
Scholastic, 2000.

Routman, Regie.  Kids' Poems: Teaching First Graders to Love Writing Poetry.
Scholastic, 2000.

Routman, Regie.  Kids' Poems: Teaching Third and Fourth Graders to Love Writing Poetry.  Scholastic, 2000.

Sears, Peter.  Gonna Bake Me a Rainbow Poem: A Student Guide to Writing Poetry
Scholastic, 1990.

Sloan, Glenna.  Give Them Poetry!: A Guide for Sharing Poetry with Children K-8
Teachers College Press, 2003.

Tiedt, Iris M.  Tiger Lilies, Toadstools, and Thunderbolts: Engaging K-8 Students with Poetry.  International Reading Association, 2003.

VanDerwater, Amy Ludwig.  Poems are Teachers: How Studying Poetry Strengthens Writing in All Genres.  Heinemann, 2018.

Vardell, Sylvia.  Poetry Aloud Here: Sharing Poetry with Children (2nd edition).
American Library Association, 2013.

Vardell, Sylvia.  The Poetry Teacher's Book of Lists.  CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  The Poetry Friday Anthology: Poems for the School Year with Connections to the Common Core.  Pomelo Books, 2012. (available in K-5 and gr. 6-8 editions)

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science.  Pomelo Books, 2014

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations.  Pomelo Books, 2015

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  Just You Wait: A Poetry Friday Power Book.  Pomelo Books, 2016

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  We Go: A Poetry Friday Power Book.  Pomelo Books, 2017

Vardell, Sylvia & Wong, Janet.  Great Morning!: Poems for School Leaders to Read Aloud.  Pomelo Books, 2018


Poetry for Children
Excellent collection of resources and suggestions for poetry in the classroom by Dr. Sylvia Vardell

Children's Poetry at the Poetry Foundation
Information about the Young People's Poet Laureate, articles about children's poetry, "Children's Poem of the Day," and more

The Poetry Foundation has named Carole Boston Weatherford as Young People's Poet Laureate. The award "aims to raise awareness that children have a natural receptivity to poetry and are its most appreciative audience, especially when poems are written specifically for them." Weatherford has achieved critical acclaim for her novels in verse, picture book poetry, nonfiction, and prose. Her titles have received numerous awards, including multiple Caldecott Honors and Coretta Scott King Honors. BOX: Henry Brown Mails Himself to Freedom, illustrated by Michele Wood (Candlewick, 2020), is a Newbery Honor Book. Learn more about her at CHILDRENS BOOKS BY THE WEATHERFORDS and at the Poetry Foundation.

The position of Young People's Poet Laureate has a tenure of two years. Weatherford succeeds Elizabeth Acevedo, Naomi Shihab Nye, Margarita Engle, Jacqueline Woodson, Kenn Nesbitt, J. Patrick Lewis and Mary Ann Hoberman. Jack Prelutsky served as the first Children's Poet Laureate, named in 2006.

Page last updated 11/26/24

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